How we give you an accurate risk score and why

You may have noticed differences between AI Detector Pro and other solutions –

We Give You Better Product

  1. We give away more characters per report: that means you get to run longer reports through our platform than anyone else we’ve identified. If you find anyone that is giving away more than 10,000 characters in a free report, please contact us. More characters mean less copying and pasting for you. A character is every space, break, comma, or paragraph break. This is in addition to the number of letters in your words. Most detectors give you 3000 to 5000 characters for free. Why do we give you more? Convenience, clarity, and accuracy. More characters for you means it’s the most accurate way to give you a real risk score. An accurate risk score means you won’t be accused of cheating. Have you ever noticed a difference between your score on AI Detector and another detection software? It’s because of those extra characters.   
  2. We update the algorithm on a daily basis: Since AI Detector Pro launched, we’ve updated our algorithms for GPT 2, 3, and 4. That required us to crunch a lot of data daily, in addition to keeping our servers up for you to run your reports. Even our tagline is Always Up to Date with ChatGPT. There’s a reason for that. We noticed some of our competitors started slowing down around GPT-3. It takes a lot of effort to sell AND code all day. Being smaller and nimbler, we invested our time and money in doing what our clients deserved. We wanted to make sure our AI Detector community would never get an inaccurate risk score and be falsely flagged.
  3. We see GPT as a tool: everyone working at AI Detector Pro grew up in the transition time between analog and digital. That means we were around when the internet first started and everyone said it would destroy education. We remember life before Google (RIP Alta Vista) and sympathize with many of you. That’s why we take the time to write about how to navigate discussions around AI in education respectfully, focusing on how to help students rather accuse them.

Even we don’t know where AI is going to go in education. Institutional policies and discussions are at the very outset, which means they aren’t set in stone, and too many well-meaning, honest students will be caught in the middle before the dust settles. As we’ve said, we’ve already watched this happen. We recommend that you look at our blogs and resources, take the most conservative outlook on vague policies, and make yourselves part of this evolving conversation.  

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