Cartoon Cat demonstrates intertwining of human and AI creativity

Once in a while, we like to take a break from serious blogs to take a lighthearted peek into the AI future and the lessons available for all content developers. Have you heard of Chubby the Cat? He’s bigger than Grumpy Cat in cultural significance (RIP Tardar Sauce).

In case you don’t know, Chubby is an AI-generated cat who is always three things at once: 1) Orange, 2) Obese, and 3) Overwhelmed by his circumstances. Typically, Chubby background music is a meowed version of “What Was I Made For” by Billie Eilish. Chubby has a son or daughter (we won’t assume that Chubby Jr. is biologically male), the same way VIC, the AI Mayor, speaks in a male voice. For the purpose of this blog, Chubby Jr.’s pronouns will be they/them. Each Chubby video has a storyline. Sometimes, Chubby does paid partnerships (impressive!). Chubby Jr. has bests his bullies in the end.

Given that AI Detector Pro is a text content detector, we have nothing to say about whether our technology can prove whether Chubby is real or fake. Additionally, @MPminds, the TikTok profile where you can find Chubby content, labels the AI-generated content for our benefit, which is also pretty funny. Generative AI content creatives (writers or otherwise) can produce excellent content but must consider a few things.

Chubby Content is Unique… and it’s the details that count

Unique details make Chubby’s generative AI videos addictive. These details may be repetitive, but they are unforgettable and contribute to the story. First, Billie Eilish’s meowed song, “What was I made for?” Meowed Billie Eilish is the soundtrack to every skit and is hilarious. Chubby’s circumstances always have a touch of pathos, so meowed Billie Eilish makes for a perfect soundtrack. It makes every video memorable.

As an AI content creator, you should be looking to add these little touches to your work. In a previous blog, we discussed using humor to break up humorless LLM writing. Humor is both personal and cultural, but if you want to produce excellent AI writing, you’ll need to find a way to integrate humor or add memorable details.

AI will always get a few details wrong, so even as an AI Content writer, you should be using an AI Detector

In the June 17 episode, the Evil Twin Grey Cats bully Chubby Jr. after Chubby Jr sneezes too much mucus over themselves. While Chubby Jr. eventually emerges victorious, you can still see one still where the Evil Twin Grey Cats each have two tails sticking out of their matching tracksuits (at 23 seconds). In our blog on college essay writing, we pointed out weird details that ChatGPT added to the essay, including Jayla, the best friend who probably died, but in the essay, is only mentioned once.

When AI adds these strange details for you (Jayla, the two tails), you gamble on the detail-orientation of your readers. Some consumers won’t be detail-oriented. Others will be, and you could lose a contract for poor editing. If you run your content through AI Detector Pro, you’ll do yourself two favors. First, we can help you humanize the content quickly. Second, you will need to do a deep dive as you are humanizing, which means you’ll pick up on these odd details and remove them prior to submission.

Chubby brings up good points about using about AI as a tool

The thing is that there is SO much that is original about Chubby. The little plot points and storylines are creative. Chubby Jr’s bullies as twin grey cats in matching tracksuits. Chubby’s Jr’s many gastrointestinal illnesses. Helpful PSAs on not mocking people with lice or staying positive in the face of trouble. Chubby getting married.

Yes, AI built the imagery of Chubby, but who chose the meowed songs? Occasionally the soundtrack is a meowed version of Unstoppable by Sia. Who created the characters? Who developed the storylines? Perhaps it’s time to accept that we are moving into a future where AI tools will be used to accelerate human creativity.

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